Womens ministry at Open Door is vibrant and active. You can always check the calendar for an upcoming event or opportunity to connect. This team is always open to new ladies who are willing to help lead or willing to help with the next event. Click here for more information.
Multi Media
The Multi-media team helps manage slides and media during worship, and can also be called on to help support occasional events or ministries. There is no need for prior experience as much of our programs are windows based and very easy to learn. You can serve occasionally or on a regular basis. All training provided!
Men's Ministry
Men's ministry at Open Door is event and need based, meaning we don't meet every month to sit around, drink coffee, and swap jokes! Rather we meet occasionally or as there is a need to retreat together, study together, or serve others. We also have a couple of Men's study and accountability groups to help you grow. Click here to find out what's going on or get more information.
A friendly face makes all the difference! These friendly people are the first-line in helping all of us feel accepted and loved as we prepare for worship and connections. You can serve as a substitute, for a month, or on a longer-term basis. Smile required!
Helping Hands
We all have those times when we could use a little help from our friends. Helping Hands provides meals, provides childcare, help with laundry or do errands running to families and individuals after a baby arrives or during a challenging season. Selecting this opportunity simply means you're OK if someone asks you to provide a meal, run errands, do laundry or provide childcare when such an event arrives. Click here if you'd be open to helping out sometime.
If you're walking through a hard time and could use a meal or two, select here and someone will contact you about your need. Please let us help!
Helping the next generation (birth to 6th grade) know and live for Jesus is key to partnering with parents to build Christ-honoring families! We have needs for both long- and short-term teachers and apprentices, substitutes, childcare (paid and volunteer), as well as people to help keep our toys and materials clean and safe.
Building & Grounds
Open Door has occasional home-improvement and maintenance projects that need to be done (i.e. painting, carpet installation, faucet repair, etc). Someone that can step in and help or lead in these needs as they come up helps us stay responsible stewards of the tithes and resources God has provided.
Community Involvement
Signing up for this team simply means that you'll be informed when opportunities to serve in the larger Bossier City area arise. Examples are helping flood victims, serving at the Red Cross or Rescue Mission, or partnering with a local school to get them ready for a new school year. This is where sharing the love of Jesus with our city happens!
God calls us to be responsible stewards of the financial resources He has provided. Whether you just need a little help figuring out how to make ends meet, you'd like to help teach people God's truths about money, or if your financial train has jumped the track, this is the place to seek help or help people become better stewards.
The Open Door Youth program (THRIVE!) is always open to new adults to help lead, mentor and disciple our next generation of leaders. If you'd like to help in any way with 7th-12th graders, click here.
Some are gifted in unique ways to communicate the truths of scripture and invite others to know and live for Jesus. Whether it's to help illustrate a sermon point, invite or inform the body of events or ministries, or in our KidZone Worship, our drama team helps us see Gods truth in a new light.
As Open Door grows, we have a growing need to help our office Manager and leaders with minor administrative needs. Whether it's helping answer phones, running reports, or proofreading documents, you can put your attention to detail to good use here. Like most of our ministries, this is an occasional need.
Evangelism is sharing the life-saving good news that Jesus died for our sins, invites us into a personal relationship with Him, and compels us to share this Truth with a world that needs Him. And while we serve in a lot of ways that share the love of Jesus, nothing but the Truth of the Gospel saves people from their sin. This team puts on events with the sole purpose of sharing the Gospel and bringing people into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They also help the rest of us develop a true love for the lost and keep the Gospel as the center of all we do.
Outreach at Open Door is fairly simple…we’ve defined it as any event or activity that intentionally seeks to bring people to Open Door. It’s reaching outside of ourselves with the sole purpose to bring them into the fellowship. This team helps put events together as well as partnering with existing ministries to keep our focus on the world outside Open Door.
Small Groups
Open Door has multiple types of small groups: weekly groups that meet year round and are always open, Sunday morning Bible studies, as well as semester-baed LIFE Groups that are typically subject-based. You can get more information by clicking here, you can view our latest small group brochure, or (at the beginning of the semester) you can utilize the small group finder.
Open Door is heavily intergenerational! Our over-60 group is growing nearly as fast as some of our other areas, and we are committed to helping our JOY group put their experience to and love to good kingdom use as we raise up the next generation! If you're interested in joining this group or attending the next senior function, click here.
Open Door supports dozens of missions around the globe. If you have a heart for missionaries, would like to be included in financially supporting or praying for them, or would like to join the team, click here.
If you're interested in going on a mission strip, either globally or stateside, click here.
In the Greek language, hospitality literally means 'love of strangers'. Guests to Open Door want to be engaged and helped to feel welcomed while they discern if God is calling them to make Open Door their church home. This team intentionally seeks to help newcomers feel welcome, get connected, and find answers.
Helping Hands Plus
Helping Hands Plus provides handy-man services to those in need. Whether it's carpentry, plumbing, electrical, automotive, yard work or something else, this team works to be the hands and feet of God. Click here to let someone know what kind of help you're capable and willing to provide on an occasional basis.
If you have a need for those kind of services, click here and the HHP Coordinator will reach out to you to discuss your need. Please let us help!
Worship is the single most important thing we do as God's people! If you have a heart for worship and have some musical abilities, click here to be contacted by the Worship Leader. Most Worship Team members serve on a rotational basis.
Divine Design
God has wired each of us with unique gifts, passions, abilities, and calling. We also have been placed in a unique location as Gospel-bearers. Divine Design helps individuals identify and put to use their unique God-given talents for Kingdom use. This involves meeting with a coach and working through a short assessment.